Can Anyone ID These Folks?

Terrie (Mrs. Mickey) Dishman recently found these photos in back of another photo in a frame. She has no idea who or when these photos were made. Can anyone out there help her?

The image

A happily married couple, celebrating an anniversary, we'd guess. Does anyone recognize them?

The image

Given the similarity in looks and identical clothing, we'd say these young men are probably twins. But who are they? One possible clue is the curious lapel pin. We've put a blow-up of it in the corner. It appears to be -- maybe -- a North American B-25 Mitchell. But why would they be wearing such a pin?

The image

Well, he's in the Army, a Private First Class, if the blurry photo isn't deceiving us.


It's a little hard to tell, but it appears that his left hand has been seriously injured. Which might explain the emblem on his shirt just above the left breast pocket. If this photo is circa-WWII and he had been injured and discharged from the service, he probably would have a "Ruptured Duck" emblem there, to indicate his discharge status. But the photo is so fuzzy, it could be an Eagle Scout eagle!

Please, can anyone tell Terrie who he is?