TLC logo St. Patrick's Day Parade, 2005

Grand Marshalls

Margaret Gray and Mildred Burns were the Honored Grand Marshalls this year. Unhappily, Margaret Gray was ill on the big day, and Mildred Burns had to preside alone.

And you-know-who showed up, too!

Elvis was here!
4 Life float

The Lexington 4Life project is really beginning to blossom and had a presence in this year's parade, too.

Anybody recall these folks from the Classes of '55 & '56???

Don & Ann's Bicycle Built for Two
Not exactly Hell's Angel's!!!

Easily the biggest and noisiest group in the parade. Really rattles your teeth when they vroom-vroom-vroom!

And finally, some very tired parade organizers!

Parade Marshalls
Photos courtesy LeeAnn Ball